Friday, 19 August 2016

Major advice brands launch employee advice service


Towry and Foster Denovo have teamed up with LV= and Capita Employee Benefits to offer advice to employees approaching retirement.

Guidance and advice will be offered through Capita's new at retirement service, which will be headed up by Rob Tinsley.

Tinsley joins from Aspire to Retire, part of Punter Southall.

The at retirement service is aimed at employers and trustees with defined contribution schemes, and will allow firms to offer advice to their employees.

As part of the service, there will be three tiers of advice.

LV= will provide the non-advised service, including on annuities. The provider will also deliver online advice for medium-sized pots, backed by telephone support with regulated advisers.

Face-to-face and telephone-based advice will be offered by Towry and Foster Denovo for those with larger pots or more complex needs, or prefer not to use an online service.

Capita Employee Benefits head of DC Gary Smith says: “We know that not enough people are willing to pay for advice upon retirement, with most wanting that service to be offered by their employers while they are still in the workplace.

“Our at retirement service will help minimise that risk, but will also help employers demonstrate good governance and offer an enhanced retirement process to their valued employees.”

The post Major advice brands launch employee advice service appeared first on Money Marketing.

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